
Directed by : Klooss Reinhardt
Release date: 19 February 2014
Duration: 94 minutes
Country : Germany (2013)
Original language: English


On an expedition in the remote African jungle, John Greystoke and his wife are killed in a helicopter crash while investigating a mysterious meteorite site. Only their young son J.J., nicknamed Tarzan, survives. A group of gorillas discovers the boy in the wreckage and takes him in as their own. Tarzan grows up learning the harsh laws of the jungle for nearly a decade until he encounters another human being - the courageous and beautiful young Jane Porter. It is love at first sight. But things get dangerous when William Clayton, who travels to Africa with Jane under false pretense, reveals his true - and greedy - intentions. Tarzan, now a man like no other, must use all his jungle instincts and intellect to protect his home and defend the woman he loves.


Tarzan .




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